Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning with Prototypical Random Walks
AAAI 2021 MetaLern Workshop Oral


Recent progress has shown that few-shot learning can be improved with access to unlabelled data, known as semi-supervised few-shot learning (SS-FSL). We introduce an SS-FSL approach, dubbed as Prototypical Random Walk Networks (PRWN), built on top of Prototypical Networks (PN). We develop a random walk semi-supervised loss that enables the network to learn representations that are compact and well-separated. Our work is related to the very recent development on graph-based approaches for few-shot learning. However, we show that compact and well-separated class representations can be achieved by modeling our prototypical random walk notion without needing additional graph-NN parameters or requiring a transductive setting where a collective test set is provided. Our model outperforms prior art in most benchmarks with significant improvements in some cases. Our model, trained with 40 % of the data as labeled, compares competitively against fully supervised prototypical networks, trained on 100 % of the labels, even outperforming it in the 1-shot mini-Imagenet case with 50.89 % to 49.4 % accuracy. We also show that our model is resistant to distractors, unlabeled data that does not belong to any of the training classes, and hence reflecting robustness to labeled / unlabelled class distribution mismatch.

Toy Example

Here is the toy example on 2D synthetic datasets. We performed experiments on these datasets (spiral and Gaussian circles) to visualize how the decision boundary is formed. The model is 3-layer MLP, 2-dimension input, 32-dimension hidden unit, 4-dimension output. It used negative Euclidean distance metric for its output. We used two datasets, and 3 models trained 300 epochs in each dataset: (1) Spiral dataset with 1000 points split to 7 labels (10% labels + Random Walk, 10% labels, and 100% labels; 1 shot, 5 way, τ = 1); (2) Gaussian circle dataset 1000 points split to 3 labels. There were 3 models trained in each dataset (5% labels + Random Walk, 5% labels, and 5% labels; 1 shot 3 way, τ = 1 ) ;

Above Figure shows the results, it can be seen that the proposed method can “connect the dots” of unlabeled points in green region and purple region, hence producing decision boundary similar to 100% labels. In Gaussian circle dataset, random walk loss helps the model fits the circle more in just few epochs, but the model without random walk loss still has many mis-classified points and the circular outline is not obvious.


  • Omniglot is a dataset contains 1,623 different handwritten characters from 50 different letters. Each character was drawn online by 20 different people using Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
    You can download Omniglot here (9.3MB)
  • miniImageNet contains 60,000 color pictures in 100 categories, each of which has 600 samples, and the size of each picture is 84×84. Generally speaking, the categories of training set and test set of this data set are divided into 80:20. Compared with the CIFAR10 data set, the miniImageNet data set is more complex, but it is more suitable for prototyping and experimental research.
    You can download miniImageNet here (1.1GB)
  • tieredImageNet is a small sample classification task data set. Like miniImagenet, it is a subset of ILSVRC-12. However, tieredImageNet represents a larger subset of ILSVRC-12 (608 classes compared to 100 classes for miniImageNet). Similar to Omniglot, which groups characters into letters, tieredImageNet divides the categories into broader categories corresponding to higher-level nodes in the ImageNet hierarchy. There are 34 categories (category), each category contains 10 to 30 categories (class). These are divided into 20 training, 6 validation and 8 test categories.
    You can download tieredImageNet here (12.9GB)

Methodology: Prototypical Random Walks

Our PRW aims at maximizing the probability of a random walk begins at the class prototype pj , taking τ steps among the unlabeled data, before it lands to the same class prototype. This results in a more discriminative representation, where the embedding of the unlabeled data of a particular class got magnetized to its corresponding class prototype, denoted as prototypical magnetization.

Qualitative Results

For experiments without semi-supervised adaptation, we observe from the third horizontal section of Table 1, that Prototypical Random Walks Network (PRWN) improves on the previous state-of-the-art MetaGAN (Zhang et al., 2018), and EGNN-Semi (Kim et al., 2019) on all experiments, with a significant improvement on 5-shot mini-imagenet. It is worth mentioning that our PRWN has less than half the trainable parameters of MetaGAN which empolys an additional larger generator. Experiments with semi-supervised adaptation are presented in bottom section in Table 1. Note that PRWN already improves on prior art without the adaptation. With the added semi-supervised adaptation, PRWN improves significantly, and the gap widens. On the 5-shot mini-imagenet task, PRWN achieves a relative improvement of 8.17%, 4.86%, and 8.28% over the previous state-of-the-art, (Ren et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2019), respectively. Similar behavior has been observed on tiered-ImageNet dataset outperforming existing methods in 1-shot classification and similar performance on 5-shot classification; note that standard deviation for (Kim et al., 2019) is not reported for 1-shot and 5-shot classification.


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    title={Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning with Prototypical Random Walks},
    author={Ayyad, Ahmed and Li, Yuchen and Muaz, Raden and Albarqouni, Shadi and Elhoseiny, Mohamed},
    journal={35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},